Saturday, November 23, 2013

{ Quick Tip: Sealing Envelopes without Licking }

Doc was so sweet and threw me a surprise birthday party last night! It was so fantastic and as if spending time with a bunch of friends and family wasn’t enough, I got some very generous gifts, too. So, I wrote my thank you notes and was just sealing the envelopes when I realized that my usual way of sealing envelopes may not be something everyone is aware of. Thus, I’m here to share it in hopes that it makes someone else’s life a little better.

I, like most people, truly hate licking envelopes. Lord only knows what floats around in the factories in which they’re manufactured and stored, let alone what is encountered during shipment. It’s not like they’re in air-tight containers. Anyway, my point is that I hate licking them. So, this is what I use to seal them instead:

Glue RunnerIt’s just a basic glue runner that I bought at Marshall’s. I bought a pack of four of them, but found that I loved them so much that I went back and bought several more packages. The Marshall’s nearest me seems to carry them on an ongoing basis, but I’m sure they originated at some of the craft stores—they’re probably in the scrapbooking section. That would be my guess. But, the great thing about them is that the width of the glue is approximately the same as the width of the envelope seal area. So, I just take the glue runner and go around the envelope’s lick line and then seal it. It holds the envelope shut tighter than it normally would be, plus you didn’t have to lick a thing! And they’re cheap. Does it get any better than that combo?!

I highly recommend seeing if you can find something similar before doing your Christmas cards in order to save yourself from contracting some horrible disease that requires tongue amputation. Not that I’m dramatic or anything…

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